About Us
What is FFA?

Western Boone FFA
The Western Boone FFA chapter was founded in 1972. It is dedicated to making a difference in the community and prides itself in educating and preparing students for succesful careers in not only the agricultural industry, but in all fields that interest students. The chapter has experienced great success throughout the years and has earned the honor of representing Indiana in multiple national contests. At Western Boone, FFA isn't just for farm kids, but for all kids willing to take advantage of the vast opportunities that the program has to offer.
Please explore our page to learn more about Western Boone FFA and see how joining can make a big difference in your life!
- Soils
- Livestock
- Parliamentary Procedure
- CDEs (Career Development Events)
- Ag Power, Structure, and Technology
- Plant and Soil Science
- Animal Science
- Introduction to Agriculture
Annual Events
What is FFA?
The National FFA Organization, founded in 1928, is a dynamic, student-led leadership development organization that supports and promotes agricultural education. FFA changes lives and prepares students for premier leadership, personal growth, and career success. FFA is home to over 610,000 members throughout 7,665 chapters in the United States.
Western Boone FFA hosts multiple annual events to help promote agricultural education. These events are held to teach others about the world of agriculture, as well as provide FFA students the opportunity to get involved in the community and make a difference in the lives of others. Please see below for a description of each event, and keep an eye on the FFA calendar for upcoming dates!
Day on the Farm
This annual event, held at Lawson Farms in Thorntown, is hosted by WeBo FFA and FACTS. Kindergarten students from multiple schools including Granville Wells, Thorntown, Harney, Perry Worth, and IPS schools attend the event. Students take hayrides, see and learn about various common farm animals, and are educated on where their food comes from. This event serves as the perfect opportunity to educate students on agriculture and show them what a 'day on the farm' is really like.
Food for America
WeBo FFA holds this annual event at Granville Wells Elementary and Thorntown Elementary. FFA members speak to fourth graders about food safety, ag production, ag processing, ag careers, distribution and trade, nutrition, and the environment. Food for America not only educates young students on these various aspects, but also allows FFA members to improve in areas such as leadership, mentoring, and public speaking.
National FFA Week
This entire week of school is filled with activities dedicated to the promotion of FFA and agriculture. Events include school wide dress-up days and a 'Drive Your Tractor to School Day'. The FFA program also holds a teachers' breakfast this week to thank teachers for all of their hard work.
Back to the Fifties Festival
At the annual Back to the Fifties Festival in Lebanon, WeBo FFA has a petting zoo of common farm animals. Animals include sheep, goats, turkeys, lamas, and calves. There are also games for kids and adults to enjoy.
Young MacDonald's Farm
Young MacDonald's Farm is an FFA exhibit held each year at the Boone County 4-H Fair in Lebanon. WeBo FFA teams up with the Lebanon FFA chapter to create a fun and safe petting zoo for the fair's attendants. There are daily activities and crafts, along with a corn box for kids to play in. Young MacDonald's Farm is a great place for children to see and pet common farm animals, while also learn about where their food comes from.
Contact Us
Mr. Travis Terhaar, Agriculture Teacher/FFA Advisor
Phone: 765-482-6143
Fax: Travis.Terhaar@webo.k12.in.us